
Thursday, August 5, 2010


I am a very emotionally invested person. When I read a book for example, I don't just pass over the pages limiting myself to translating what each word means, but I try to place myself in that very moment the character is living. This same idea goes for everything: music, circumstances, movies, other people's stories, and yes, even photographs.

This photograph is one that I am emotionally invested in. After spending the morning with Tavitian's, this picture spoke more than a thousand words. I will never forget when we were just shooting the bride and he was mimicking her every "model" move - a hand to a pouted hip. Of course, she could not help, but laugh. Where we shared in the love that each had for one another. Throughout our day together we witnessed little glances, kisses, laughs and playful gestures. Moments like these were tiny glimpses into their lives. So by the end of our day, the hair on our arms' raised as he embraced her in the water for the last kiss. This was to be their last frame of the day.

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